Well, I just got back from my trip to Europe a couple of days ago. I had my doubts about the trip before I left because I have not gone on this type of trip with my nanny family before. I thought it was just going to be a lot of work and I would not have time to enjoy my surroundings. Boy was I wrong.
I hardly felt like I was working the whole time! That kind of made me feel bad but what can I do. I sat by myself in a total different are of the plane. So I just kind of did whatever I wanted to do. Did not have to worry about watching Hunter. I sat by this older woman who did not speak a lick of English and I don’t speak any Italian. So it was pretty quite between us. But there was what looked like a group of high school aged boys coming back home that were not quite at all.
I hardly felt like I was working the whole time! That kind of made me feel bad but what can I do. I sat by myself in a total different are of the plane. So I just kind of did whatever I wanted to do. Did not have to worry about watching Hunter. I sat by this older woman who did not speak a lick of English and I don’t speak any Italian. So it was pretty quite between us. But there was what looked like a group of high school aged boys coming back home that were not quite at all.
FLORENCE: was fun because it reminded me a lot of Venice. Just without all the water. We had a tour guide walk us all over. She was excellent and somehow started talking about
the church. Thats always scary but a good thing i guess. For lunch we ate at Napoleon’s sister’s house. It was gorgeous! The food was ok but that did not even matter cause of where we were eating. We also took a tour of a Jewish Temple, sense everyone I was with is Jewish. It’s so inte
resting and different to be around them cause we believe in something very opposite then they do. They do not believe that they killed Christ and that’s the opposite of what I believe. So I always feel kind of like im the bad guy thats blaming them when they talk about it. Someone in the group actually brought that up and my hart skipped a beat. They were talking about all the hard times and persecution they have gone through. Someone brought me into the conversation saying that me, being mormon understands this because we went through the same thing. The persecution and what not. It made me feel a lot better that I was looking less like the bag guy for believing what I do cause the mormons had to go through the same type thing.

POROFINO: Cute little fishing village. It looked liked it belonged in Disney Land. It was picture perfect. We just did some shopping for a couple of hours then headed back to the ship. The weather was fantastic and the water was such a bright blue. This is the first place we had to take a tender from the cruse ship to the dock. That was a wild boat ride. Whats weird is that i think i do better on small boats that make it a rough ride then big ships were you can feel the gentel rocking that eventually makes you dizzy and a little sick. Humm..

CORSICA: Is in France. Just in case you needed a brush up on your geography. There was nothing particularly amazing about this town. It’s part of the French Rivera. It’s the birth place of Napoleon. That was actually kind of funny. This town had his pictures everywhere! Statues in every store. It’s like the one thing this town has to make it stand out to tourism and they milk it for everything they got. We did go swimming at a topless beach. Its not like we looked for it but I’m pretty sure you won’t find one in France that’s not. That was way different then what I’m used to.haha. The water was amazing. Cristal clear, and the perfect temperature. I did not get attacked by any jelly fish or sharks so it made it even move wonderful..haha
POROFINO: Cute little fishing village. It looked liked it belonged in Disney Land. It was picture perfect. We just did some shopping for a couple of hours then headed back to the ship. The weather was fantastic and the water was such a bright blue. This is the first place we had to take a tender from the cruse ship to the dock. That was a wild boat ride. Whats weird is that i think i do better on small boats that make it a rough ride then big ships were you can feel the gentel rocking that eventually makes you dizzy and a little sick. Humm..
CORSICA: Is in France. Just in case you needed a brush up on your geography. There was nothing particularly amazing about this town. It’s part of the French Rivera. It’s the birth place of Napoleon. That was actually kind of funny. This town had his pictures everywhere! Statues in every store. It’s like the one thing this town has to make it stand out to tourism and they milk it for everything they got. We did go swimming at a topless beach. Its not like we looked for it but I’m pretty sure you won’t find one in France that’s not. That was way different then what I’m used to.haha. The water was amazing. Cristal clear, and the perfect temperature. I did not get attacked by any jelly fish or sharks so it made it even move wonderful..haha
MALLORCA & BARCELONA: This is Spain, just fyi. We did not do a lot in Mallorca. We did some shopping. But I really can’t afford the places they shop, so I do a lot of window shopping. We went to a food store that was really cool cause I recognized a lot of the things but everything was in Spanish. And I just enjoy shopping for food. Well, it was cool for me to see. Im not sure other poeple would be excited about it. Barcelona was one of my favorite places. I love
MONTI CARLO: Is in Monaco which is like the second smallest country in Europe. The smallest would be Lichtenstein and I have been there to prove it. This is the cleanest place I have ever been to in Europe. It was almost like being in a hospital. I think all the wealthy people in the world live here or vacation here. Everything is over the top fancy. I have never seen so many nice cars all at the same time in my life! I could not afford to do any shopping here but we did look around. We went inside this shopping mall with a grand marble staircase and chandeliers handing from the ceiling. Insane. We stopped by the famous casino and took some pictures. They filmed the last James Bond movie there and I’m sure many others have been.
AMSTERDAM: So this was a surprise trip for me. I was no a different flight coming home then my nanny family. I was supposed to switch plans in Amsterdam but my plane
leaving France was late so I missed my connecting flight in Amsterdam. The next flight was not tell the next day. So I was all by myself in Amsterdam and I loved it! I was on my own schedule and could do whatever I wanted to do. So I took a bus to my hotel to get my room and to see what it looked like. I asked the girls at the front deck where I should go if I only have one night. They showed me where I should go and how to get there. I took the bus back to the airport so that I could get on a train to get into town. I was trying to figure out how to buy a train ticket at this machine when these two guys came up to me and asked if I spoke English. I said yes and we all got to talking and to make a long b
ut amazing story short, I hung out with them all night long. It was the most amazing night ever! We did not do much but walk around, see the town, go out to dinner but it was still so much fun. I got back to my hotel around 2am. It was a grand 8 hours of my life.
I did finely make it back home after a canceled flight and switching airlines. I can’t say the same for my luggage. Half of it made it back with me and the other came 2 days later. It was a great trip and one I will remember forever. I will also never forget my one unexpected night in Amsterdam. A bad situation turned into a great adventure.
I did finely make it back home after a canceled flight and switching airlines. I can’t say the same for my luggage. Half of it made it back with me and the other came 2 days later. It was a great trip and one I will remember forever. I will also never forget my one unexpected night in Amsterdam. A bad situation turned into a great adventure.
Wow! What a trip. I guess you've been on a ton of adventures since we say you just a couple months ago. That is so fabulous. I hope you are happy and making lots of friends. We love you and miss you so much!
Heather and Jason
Shawna,What a cool trip that must have been. What a fairy tale vacation. Wish I could have been there with you.So does Jamie.Thanks for being the great daughter you are and such a good example.I miss you so much but at the samw time I am so thankful you are abe to do all these things in your young life. Twice to Europe and I haven't been once. Way to go Shawna.
LOVE the changes on your blog. It's beautiful!!!
Love ya,
i can't believe you are having all of these adventures i have only dreamed of...i.m happy for ya...
luv ya,
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