Hey, So has it really been 5 months sense I have updated my blog? Whoops, my bad. I’m not even sure where to start because its been so long. Let me just for a brief second go all the way back to November. I spent Thanksgiving in Florida with my nanny fam. It was fun to be out on in 75 degree weather and chillaxing on the beach. We went to this big fancy dinner at a really big house but its just not the same as having the food that you grew up with. All the little traditions and having your own family around. But I really did like the whole beach part of it.
December I was in New York (I try to go at least once a month) and I saw Hairspray
. It was fantastic! I loved it so so much. It has the original cast with Marissa Winokur and Harvey Fierstein. It was some fUnny stuff. Humm.. lets see.. In January I flew back home to Utah. It was amazing to be home and see friends and family It’s a lovely feeling to be around the people you love. And when your away and miss them you just end up loving them more right? Oh right, I almost forgot something very important. I have a new Nephew. Yay for family!
December I was in New York (I try to go at least once a month) and I saw Hairspray

February was a fine month. I again was in Florida for a bit. I have to say that I have never owned so many swimming suits in my life. There one of my new favorite articles of clothing that I like to shop for. Nothing can surpass shopping for shoes. Love them! March I don’t think that there was anything to amazing. Besides one of my favorite holidays. I just never quite know how to celebrate St. Patrick’s day. Cause I don’t drink but I still love that its all about the color green. And as you know, green complem
ents me and my red hair. Oh wait, I did go up to New Haven with my nanny family so the little man a watch could have some testing done up a Yale. I have to say its not nearly as pretty as the Princeton Campus. But it still was cool to see the school

April was Spring Break and I was back yet again in Florida. Its always fun to go there. I have a friend Bobby that lives there so we can hang out when I’m not working. My nanny fam and I go to the beach, out to lunch or dinner, go shopping. It’s a pretty good life. The day after I got back from flo
rida My mom and little sister came to visit me. We did all the tourist stuff. I took them into New York to see all the sites. We ate hot dogs from a vender for lunch and for dinner we went to this cool place for dinner called Mars 2112. It was underground. You went on this motion ride thing that was supposed to take you to “Mars” and all the waiters were dressed as aliens. It was super neat o. After dinner we saw Shrek. I also took them in to Philadelphia. It’s a pretty city. I love being surrounded by all the history that is there. You know its all real but when you see it in person its just..well.. it was fun. For dinner I took them to get Philly chessesteaks. You can’t be in Philly and not have one. It was a place I saw on the Food Network when I lived in Utah and always wanted to go. It was yummo. So I think I have updated my life in short. It’s been a fun past 5 months and I can’t wait for the next. And I shall try and keep up with everything from now on.

Finally! Get to see what's up. Good job, girl!
love ya!
So much fun! Love the pictures! Glad I was able to see ya!
love the update! looks like things are going well.
Oh Shawn Bawn... How I love thee, and miss thee terribly.
When I went to Philly with my cousin we went to Geno's... it's in the background of your pics.
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