Friday..Alana and I along with one of her nanny kids drove to Pennsylvania to visit some museums and the George Washington Crossing at the Delaware River. It was a really neat experience. Standing on the same ground where the first president of the United States had been standing (he has the fist..right?). I love learning about our history. In any way, shape, or form I love it! We took a tour and let me fell you something..I think that a tour guide makes al the difference in making it fun. Ours had done the tour one to many times. He was kind of dull and did not seem to have the passion in history to make it a fantastic tour. So the tour itself kind of felt like I was in school and there was going to be test after. But it was still amazing to be there and see everything.
So after all his touring was over, we worked up quite an appetite so we drove about 9 miles to this town called New Hope. It was such a pretty drive. The whole time I kept thinking to myself how much my mom would love this area. It was green and the homes were beautiful. I’m taking a wild guess and am going to say that it was horse country cause they were everywhere. It was like looking through a magazine. We ended the day eating at this place called, “Cock n’ Bull” it was really yummo. I cant wait to have the chance to eat there again. It was a great day and another great experience to remember.
This is Georgies boat that he used to cross the Delaware River