So, its kind of been awhile sense I have updated this but what’s new right? Haha. So last Saturday (Sept. 27) my friend Alana and I ran a 5K for “The Parkinson Alliance” And when I say a 5K I really mean I mile run. It sounds so much cooler to call it a 5K though. I was happy with myself for running it in the 13 min range. Considering I have not ran the mile sense I was i
n like the tenth grade I impressed myself..alot. It was an amazing feeling to run for a cause . To be running for the finish line and everyone is cheering for you and to get your cheesy little metal. It was grand. And I felt really cool to wear that paper number. It made it all official and stuff. After all the runs were done they had food for us. Subs and pizza, I ate the sub. It felt weird to eat this greasy piece of pizza after you feel so good for exercising. They had games for the little kids to play and a massage table set up to relax your body I guess. By the time I made it over there they were closed. Bummer.

After the race, Alana and I decided to start working on our poodle skirts for a sock hop that we are going to in October. It’s a young singles activity for everyone in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. I’m way excited to see friends and to meet new people. Well any

That Sunday was really neat cause I helped the sister missionaries by picking a girl up that is investigating the church. I sat with all the missionaries at church and that made me feel like I was doing my calling. Just being surrounded by them . She actually decided to get baptized this past week. So Saturday October 4th, I am going to my first baptism here. I’m very excited for it. And to wear the new dress I bought for the occasion. There is this guy that had been investigating for the past month and a half. He is 24 years old. Has a collage degree in criminal justice and just got out from serving four years in the Air Force. He asked me out on a date and we did go out to dinner Monday night. He asked me out to lunch and then to dinner again and a movie. He is kind of date crazy! Every time I’m with him he talks about wanting to get married and start the part of his life. It was kind of funny, He would say something that he wanted, ex. He wants 6 kinds. And If mine was not the same he would change to that. So now he wants 3 kids like me. Haha. I am not really feeling him so I told him I was not interested in dating and yada yada. I did make me feel good that someone wanted to date me. I had not been on a real date sense tenth grade. I think everything must have happened that year. So don’t worry Heather, I’m not getting married at the age of 21!! Haha. Ill wait tell..well..I’m done having fun I guess. Oh yes, something else. I stared working out at my gym with a personal trainer and by body has never hurt so much in my life! But its kind of a feel good hurt in a way, weird I know. I do an hour and a half 3 days a week and its actually kind of fun. Well im off until next time I decide to write. Who knows when that will be.
Well I haven't been on my computer for awhile so it was a nice surprise to check your blog today and find new stuff!! I wish I could help with the skirts, but I'm afraid I wouldn't get much farther than you...I can thread my sewing machine, though! I usually sew on scrapbook paper, though! Good thing to let that guy go early on, though. If you wait too long, it makes it harder. Don't worry, you'll eventually find one you do like! Talk to you soon,
Love ya,
Oh yeah, and great job on the whole running thing....I picture myself doing that someday....but probably just in pictures! Ha ha!
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